Opening up open innovation

How would your company cope if its entire product portfolio became obsolete? A ridiculous question? Just ask Polaroid whose whole business model died when digital photography was born. Or incandescent light bulb makers who are seeing their products banned around the world. Today, most innovation is incremental. Companies improve tried and tested products to chase…


Watch Full Movie Golden Exits (2017)

Watch Full Movie Golden Exits (2017) English Subtitles, Free Download HD Quality Movie Golden Exits (2017) English Subtitles, Streaming Online Full Movie Golden Exits (2017) English Subtitles. Golden Exits (2017) HD Director : Alex Ross Perry. Writer : Alex Ross Perry. Producer : Alex Ross Perry, Adam Piotrowicz, Katie Stern, Christos V. Konstantakopoulos, Joshua Blum.…


Happy birthday to us!

Pyramidion has been trading independently for more than five years. We celebrated this fact on Friday 4 February with a top-secret “Day of Belgian pleasures”. Magical mystery tour We marked the occasion with a company day out. Only the few people who had organized the day knew what was in store. The rest of us…


What’s gaming doing to our brains?

Social innovation, re-thinking your enterprise model holistically for the digital age, mobilizing the creativity of women. There were lots of great themes at the Flanders DC Creativity Forum on 21 October. So why do I keep coming back to two questions? Does playing computer games unleash our inner super-hero? Or is too much time in…
