Fake News

With so much fake news around these days it is hard to tell when someone is actually telling the truth. In the past, it was just second-hand car salesmen and politicians that were not to be trusted. But recent scandals like Cambridge Analytics illegally harvesting our Facebook data or Volkswagen running software to skew emission…

Renewables rant

I recently saw this cartoon on Facebook. At first it made me laugh, but then it made me angry. It made me angry because it kind of misses the point about electric vehicles and renewable energy, but at the same time hits right at the heart of the issue. The problem is that the electric…


At Pyramidion we have been writing about electronics and semiconductor technology for some 25 years. Our in-depth knowledge of this area gives our customers a real value-add perspective. From the PC and smart phone to autonomous driving and IoT, our lives are surrounded and enhanced by electronics. As well as living through the digital revolution,…

Best wishes for 2018!

Happy New Year and best wishes for 2018 from all of us at Pyramidion! 2017 was a year of change! From ‘The Donald’ becoming president of the USA to Twitter extending the length of tweets to 280 characters to reduce the number of tweets he posted.  For Pyramidion, our biggest change was moving to the new…

Graphene: is history repeating itself?

Silicon made possible the revolution in semiconductor miniaturization that began in the 1960s. So the fact that today size is considered a serious limitation of silicon is an indication of how far the technology has advanced since that time. As the silicon substrates used in electronics and solar cells reach their limits, how can manufacturers…

Rebuilding ourselves

As a kid I remember the TV show ‘The six million dollar man’. Bionic legs let him run at 60 mph, a bionic arm gave him superhuman strength and a bionic eye gave him telescopic and infrared vision. But Steve Austin didn’t choose to have these cybernetic replacements installed. He was injured in a crash…