What’s gaming doing to our brains?

Social innovation, re-thinking your enterprise model holistically for the digital age, mobilizing the creativity of women. There were lots of great themes at the Flanders DC Creativity Forum on 21 October. So why do I keep coming back to two questions? Does playing computer games unleash our inner super-hero? Or is too much time in…

Listen carefully

In our last two Tips & Tricks articles, we talked about speaking and body language skills. This time, let’s look at how we can improve our listening. Be engaged – focus on the speaker alone (if needed, isolate yourselves; keep eye contact, listen without preconceptions and prejudice) Quiet please – instead of interrupting or completing…

Are corporate websites dead?

You’ve probably seen the stats. Companies are getting more traffic on their Facebook pages than their home pages. And consumers want information from brands via social media rather than corporate websites. So is the company website dead? We asked two experts in the field for their personal opinions. Arjan van Liere Director Online strategy agency Present Media…

Sharpen your body language

In our last Tips and tricks, we gave you some tips on how to clarify your speech. This time, we’re putting the spotlight on body language. Why? Body language accounts for 80-90% of our communication, and even when we don’t speak, we are communicating. If you use your body language well, it can really enhance…

Watch Movie iBoy (2017)

Watch Movie iBoy (2017) English Subtitles, Streaming Online Full Movie iBoy (2017) English Subtitles, Free Download HD Quality Movie iBoy (2017) English Subtitles. iBoy (2017) HD Director : Adam Randall. Writer : Mark Denton, Jonny Stockwood. Producer : Nate Bolotin, Emily Leo, Gail Mutrux, Oliver Roskill, Lucan Toh. Release : January 27, 2017 Country :…

Managing resistance

Recently my little brother resumed his desk-thumping exam revision routine, “I don’t care if I fail,” he muttered defiantly. I offered him words of encouragement about the impending break from school, with no luck. Over time I realized I’ve been hitting my head against a brick wall. How do you manage someone’s response to change…

The communication funnel

Do you ever find people don’t do what you’ve asked after you’ve spoken to them? Do your written communications not have the effect you intended? Maybe you’re forgetting about the communication funnel: the path of intention that runs through all our contact with other people. What I want to say ↓ What I actually say…