Technical experts

The projects we work on at Holst Centre are often highly technical. The Pyramidion team has built up a lot of knowledge about technologies such as ultra-low power and roll-to-roll printing as well as the markets in which we are active. It helps that their writers have technical backgrounds as this makes it easier for them to relate to our own technical experts to get to the heart of the story.

Skilled writers

Right first time seems to be Pyramidion’s motto as I get very few comments on the work they deliver, just the occasional technical detail or number that needs to be corrected. The account manager, Stuart, has also provided a lot of support to our staff in writing articles for our annual executive report over the last couple of years.

“For as long as I have been at the Holst Centre, Pyramidion has been there too. When I started at the Holst Centre some nine years ago, one of my roles was to assist the previous communications manager. Pyramidion was already working with him on our news program and we have continued to work together since I took over his role in 2014.”


Steffi van de Vorstenbosch

Communications Manager, Holst Center

Action and support

As a one-person team, it is great to be able to hand a project over to Pyramidion and know that it will get done. With our long-standing relationship, they know many of the program managers and contact them directly to set up interviews.

They also manage the writing and review process, so I get an approved final text for publishing.It has also been very helpful to me to have someone who understands marketing communications. I can bounce ideas off Stuart and brainstorm new approaches and ideas.

Looking ahead

“One of my goals is to be more strategic on planning, especially on the funding activities that support our research. I would also like to be more active on social media and I am already looking at how the Pyramidion team can support me there.”

Part of the company (almost)

In some ways, Pyramidion is almost part of the company. They know the people, our technologies and our markets. They are well-informed and at ease when talking to the program managers and technical experts. I also value their opinion as, while they have a lot of knowledge about who we are and what we do, they still have the outsider’s perspective and can often see things we might miss.

For example, Stuart has attended some of our partner days and often has ideas for articles or blogs based on demos or presentations he saw at the event. These are projects that we are working on, but that we may be hesitant about talking about to the public until they are completed.

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